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CORE 的英语意思是什么呢?core是什么牌子衣服

时间:2023-01-30 10:00:36


  • CORE 的英语意思是什么呢
  • core是什么牌子衣服
  • Core 是什么意思
  • 怎么学coreldraw
  • Write a passage about your dreams or goals in life. You may follow the ideas given.怎么写啊
  • CORE是什么意思翻译
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  • Core是什么意思啊

CORE 的英语意思是什么呢

core[kC:]n.果核, 中心, 核心CORE=Congress of Racial Equality 争取种族平等大会core[kC:]n.(果实的)核, 核心; [喻](事物的)本质中心部分; (电缆)心线(束); (机械录音)盘心, 铁心, 磁心; (计算机的)磁芯; 磁芯存储器【矿】岩心【铸】型芯; 泥芯; 填充料【建】心板(反应堆)活性区; 堆芯; 芯体子晶散热器中部地球核(心)〔美〕(学生共修的)基础课程(绵羊体内的)肿瘤cut out the core of the apple削掉苹果核core curriculum[美]核心课程the core of all the questions所有问题的中心the core of truth真理的精髓the very core of the subject问题的核心〔本质〕The pear is rotten to the core.这梨全烂了。He is English to the core.他是个地道的英国人。core[kC:]vt.挖去... 的果心corebitn.钻芯; 能取岩芯的钻头coreboardn.芯板材; 碎木板芯coreplanen.磁芯板coreprintn.型心座coreroomn.型芯车间corestoredadj.磁心存储的corewalln.(堤类)心墙corestockn.芯板料(用作胶合板的芯材)coreless[`kR:lIs]adj.无(果)心的corer[5kC:rE]n.果实的去心器岩心提取器be rotten at the core烂透; [喻]糟糕透顶; 坏透了get to the core of触及... 的核心hard core〔英〕(垫路基等的)碎石(组织或运动中)斗志最坚定的核心; 铁杆分子到哪儿都需救济的难民群〔失业者〕to the core彻底地, 彻头彻尾地air core空心air-blown core用压缩 空气制造的型芯air set core自硬芯alarm crown wheel core闹小钢轮盖片anchor core衔铁心annular core环形铁心antenna core天线磁心arc core电弧心armature core电枢铁芯armature smooth core电枢平滑铁芯atomic core原子核auger core螺旋推进器轴, 钻心axial load carrying core轴向负荷型芯; 轴向承载型芯baked core干(砂)型心barrel core心型轴, 筒状芯bead core叶轮心belly core内芯型biax core双轴磁心bimag core双稳 态磁心bistable magnetic core双稳 态磁心binary magnetic core二进制磁心black core炭斑, 黑心(斑)blind(set) core盲(孔)芯bobbin core带绕磁心body core主芯bolt core螺栓型心branch core支(型)芯building core(橡胶)胶面轴心bullet core弹心cable core电缆芯线cake core糕状型芯, 扁平型芯割cameron core易割(冒口)片carbon core碳芯carbonyl dust core炭粉铁芯, 羰铁粉芯centering core泥心central core炉缸中心(死)料柱ceramic core陶瓷心子chemical set core化学硬化芯clincher bead core钉绊顶心closed core闭合〔口〕铁心coil core线圈铁心collapasible core可拆型芯, 自崩型芯common core共同核心部分complex leachable core复杂可溶芯compreseed iron powder core压粉铁心concrete core混凝土心copper core铜芯线cotton core棉心cover core盖芯cracker core大气(压力)冒口(通气)芯crown wheel core小钢轮座crown wheel driver core小钢轮转动轮座cruciform core十字形铁心cup-strainer core滤网芯(浇口杯中)curing core熟化心轴cut core截割铁心, 半环形铁心date indicator core日历座, 日历指示器座detached core【地质】挤离褶曲岩心detached arch core挤离背斜心disc shaped core盘形铁心divided-iron core分裂铁心double-tube core【采矿】岩芯管drill core【采矿】岩芯drop core下落芯, 爬芯drum-shaped core鼓形铁心dry sand core干砂型心dust core铁(粉)心earth core【地质】地核elastic core弹性核心electromagnetic core电磁铁芯embedded core补砂芯exothermic breaker core发热易割(冒口)片expendable zine core可熔消的锌芯exposed core夹持端extruder core压出机芯型extruder-head core压出机机头芯型false core假型心ferrite core铁氧体磁心ferrocart core铁粉心fiber core纤维芯fibre core纸板筒field core励磁铁心, 磁场铁心filter core滤波器用铁心fluid core流体核心foundry core翻砂型心gapped core有(空)隙铁心gaseous core气芯gate core(内)桨冀口芯genetic core遗传核心glass type core眼镜型铁心greensand core湿砂型芯ground-wood core心木half-excited core半激励磁芯half-selected core半选磁芯hard core核心硬件hard fibre core(钢丝绳)硬纤维芯head core磁头芯heat-resistant core耐热芯子hemp(en) core麻芯线high-frequency (magnetic) core高频磁心high-frequency iron core高频铁心honeycomb core蜂窝状中心〔芯轴〕horn core角心hydrocarbon core烃内芯hydroplastic cores氢化塑料取芯器impervious core隔水核心impulse movement core(钟)脉冲驱动的机心increment core生长样木induction core绝缘芯子intercooler core中冷器心子interior core内部型芯jute core黄麻绳芯kiss core舂入侧型芯, 预埋型芯knock-off core易割(冒口)片knockout core(压铸型中)抽芯, 活芯laminated core叠片铁心left-and-right-hand core(左右)对称(型)芯lightener core简化模样芯, 简化模板芯, 简化泥芯lightening core减轻孔〔芯〕line core谱线核心liquid core液相穴logic core逻辑磁心loose core(压铸型中)抽芯, 活芯lumber core素材心板, 木芯板magnet core磁心, 铁心magnetic dust core磁性铁粉心magnetic powder core压粉磁心, 铁粉心; 磁(性铁)粉心magnetic dust core压粉磁心, 铁粉心; 磁(性铁)粉心magnetic tape core磁带卷轴main pole core主磁极铁心meander core【地质】离堆山memory core存储〔记忆〕磁心metal core金属芯子metal tape core金属带磁心micellar core胶束内芯mo(u)lded core模压铁粉芯molybdenum permalloy dust core钼坡莫合金粉铁心motor core电机磁心movable core可动铁心multiple aperture core多孔磁芯nozzle core喷嘴插芯nucleolar fibrous core核仁纤维区oil core油砂芯oil cooler core冷油器芯子oily-skinned core油面型芯open core开口铁心orient core方位中心own core自带芯oxide core氧化铁心paer core纸芯管parametron core参数器用铁心pipe-shaped core管状铁心pithy core有髓的(松软)果心plasma core等离子体心plastic core塑料芯point core点核pole core磁极铁心pot core壶形铁芯powder(ed) iron core粉末(磁性材料)铁心preformed ceramic core预制〔熔模〕陶瓷芯Quartz core石英管芯radiation core散热器型心, 汽车散热器中部radiator core散热器型心, 汽车散热器中部ramup core舂入芯ramup wing core舂入侧芯read-write core读写磁心receiving core接收铁心rectangular core矩形铁心reinforced core强化线芯relay core继电器铁心removable core活动心子, 活动型心repulsive core推斥核心resin mortar core树脂胶泥芯resistor core电阻芯子ribbon core带铁芯ribbon-wound core带绕铁心ring-shaped core环形磁心ring core环形磁心rocking bar core摇杆座rope core钢丝绳〔麻〕心rotary core旋转〔转子〕铁心rotary regenerator core旋转式再生器芯子rotor core转子芯rubber bead core橡胶球心轴seed core【核】强化堆芯segment core分段〔扇形〕铁心selection core选择磁心sendust core铝硅铁粉磁心sheet core薄片铁心shell core壳芯short square core悬臂芯shower core簇射主干single-apertured core单孔铁芯sintered metallic core烧结金属磁芯skim(ming) core撇渣芯; 浇口过滤片slab core片型芯, 板状芯sleeve-shaped core套管状铁心slotted core开槽铁心smooth core光滑铁心snake core弯曲(砂)芯, 蛇型(砂)芯soft core软心轴soft fibre core(钢丝绳的)软纤维芯soft iron core软铁(铁)芯soil core土样solenoid core螺线管芯solid iron core实铁芯soluble salt core可溶盐芯speedometer shaft core里程计软轴芯splash core防冲刷芯片, 防铁水冲击泥芯块split core分裂铁心square-loop core矩形磁滞回线铁心stainless steel honeycomb core不锈钢蜂窝芯子standard tensile-test core(型砂)标准拉力试块, 八字试块standard transverse-test core(型砂)标准抗弯试块stator core定子铁心steel core(弹头)钢心steel wire core(钢丝绳)钢丝心stock core备用型芯; 棒状芯, 长条泥芯stop-off core补砂型芯, 简化(模样)分型面型芯storage core存储磁芯strainer core滤器芯strainer-gate core滤渣(芯)片strand core(钢丝绳的)钢绞线芯strickling core刮制芯, 车制芯strip core带绕磁心struck core车制芯superimposed core预埋芯, 舂入芯suspended core吊芯sweeping core车制(砂)芯switch core开关磁心tape core带绕铁心thin foil honeycomb core薄箔蜂窝芯子tin-ferrite core宽温(铁氧体)磁心tooth core齿型心toroid core环形磁心toroidal core圆环柱心touch core无芯头芯transformer core变压器铁心transmitting core传输铁心trestles core转心架trough core向斜中心tube core管芯tuning core调谐磁心tyre-valve core轮胎阀心U core U形磁心umbrella core伞状型芯unhardened core非硬化心部unit core单位铁心unyoked core(变压器)无轭铁心upright core直铁心, 条形铁心U-shaped core U形芯valve core阀心vapor barrier core抗潮纸芯vertical core垂直型芯votex core涡流束, 涡辫, 涡核wafer core易割冒口芯片, 隔片, 颈缩芯片washburn core隔片泥芯welding rod core焊条心well core井芯william’s core大气冒口(通气)芯, 通气芯wing core下落芯, 下落式顶填 泥芯, 楔形芯头泥芯wire bead core钢丝撑轮圈wound core线束铁芯xylem core【植】木质部中心yoke core(偏转)轭core of anticline背斜中心core of bank堤心, 路堤核心core of conductor线芯core of dam堤坝心壁core of dislocation位错核心core of paste(陶瓷)泥心core of synticline向斜中心CORE=Congress of Racial Equality 争取种族平等大会



咨询记录 · 回答于2021-12-01




Core 是什么意思

core 英[kɔ:(r)] 美[kɔr, kor] n. 中心,核心,精髓;果心,果核;[地质学]地核;[计] 磁心 vt. 去(果)核,挖去…的果心;提取岩芯(样品) 第三人称单数:cores;过去分词:cored;名词复数:cores;现在分词:cori... [例句]Asia remains the core market.亚洲依然是核心市场。如果满意记得采纳哦!你的好评是我前进的动力。(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……我在沙漠中喝着可口可乐,唱着卡拉ok,骑着狮子赶着蚂蚁,手中拿着键盘为你答题!!!


对于怎么学coreldraw,最好的是下载coreldraw视频教程或coreldraw实例教程来学习。这样很容易就掌握了coreldraw。具体的怎么学coreldraw,这里有一些coreldraw的教程,挺不错。coreldraw9实例教程100例 CorelDRAWX3实例视频教程 CorelDRAWX3中文版从入门到精通视频教程(上) CorelDRAWX3中文版从入门到精通视频教程(中) CorelDRAWX3中文版从入门到精通视频教程(下) CorelDraw12中文版标准教程 经典Coreldraw实例教程100例系列下载 下载地址:http://hi.baidu.com/ybicool/blog/item/f2958b388f5d5b2a97ddd8ce.html

Write a passage about your dreams or goals in life. You may follow the ideas given.怎么写啊


People with dreams are great, whether rich or ordinary. I think the poor are greater, because in order to realize their dreams, everything has to be created by themselves and bear the pressure from the outside world.


“Poor children are in charge early“ I fully understand this. How happy it is to be able to fulfill your dream. Look at how many people can’t fulfill their dreams in real life.


Those born with incurable diseases, those who have no money and are forced to give up, and so on. Thinking about those people, I think I’m so lucky. Maybe you know how to cherish it because you have lost it. Some things are too easy to get it, and the value will naturally decline.


In the pursuit of dreams, dreams are far away and the road is long. But I’m not afraid. Difficulties happen again and again to hit me, but I know what difficulties fear. What they fear is my perseverance, my ideal and my persistence. If I throw this away, what can I talk about overcoming it?


I believe that no matter how lonely and difficult I am, my dream is in the sky and the road is ahead. Those who live should live well, those who pursue dreams should pursue well, and we should be funny.





核心n.1. 果核,果心Cut out the core of the apple.除去苹果的核。2. 核心,精髓,要义[the S][(+of)]Let’s get to the core of the matter.让我们看看事情的核心。3. 中心部分[the S][(+of)]4. 【美】(共修的)基础课设置Each student studies four core subjects.每个学生学习四门基础课。5. 岩芯;(铸造用的)砂芯;(树的)芯材vt.1. 挖去...的果核Wash and core these apples for me, please.请替我把这些苹果洗净并除去核。2. 取...的岩芯样品3. 用砂芯铸


core英 [kɔː(r)] 美 [kɔːr] n.(苹果等的)果心,核儿;(物体的)中心部分;最重要的部分;核心;要点;精髓adj.最重要的;主要的;基本的;核心( 信念、价值、原则等);核心成员的;骨干的v.去掉(水果)的果心;去(水果)的核儿希望可以帮助到你。




名词 n.1.果核 An apple core is the part of an apple left after the flesh has been eaten.苹果核是在苹果肉吃完后剩下的部分。2.核心, 精髓, 要点 The core of our appeal is freedom of speech.我们呼吁的中心是要言论自由。3.(物体的)中心部份4.(参加某项活动的)一小群人5.[亦称作 magnetic core]【电学】铁心(构成电磁铁、感应线圈、变压器等物内部之铁质物);线 6.【地质学】地核7.【物理学】(原子)反应堆堆芯;(燃料元件的)芯体8.【天文学】(天体的)核,中心9.(不同专业学生共修的)基础课程设置 及物动词 vt.1.去(果)核,挖去…的果心 She cored the apples.她挖掉苹果的核。 2.提取岩芯(样品)


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