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leak固定搭配?气质气相端漏气检测结果显示leak detected是什么意思 - 百度

时间:2023-01-30 16:41:51


  • leak固定搭配
  • 气质气相端漏气检测结果显示leak detected是什么意思 - 百度
  • leak leakage区别
  • leak的名词是什么
  • leak名词
  • bipap呼吸机 leak多少
  • leak什么意思
  • leak是什么意思啊如何背



1、leak in漏入,渗入

The rain is leaking in.雨漏进来了。

2、leak to将…泄露给…

Who leaked the news to the press?谁将消息泄露给新闻界了?

3、leak out漏出,渗出,泄露

Keep it secret! It mustn’t leak out.要保密!这千万不能泄露出去。








气质气相端漏气检测结果显示leak detected是什么意思 - 百度

leak detected就是检测到有泄露的意思。具体在哪里漏的还要进一步检查。从进样隔垫、色谱柱密封垫(石墨垫)、色谱柱、进样口检测器螺母等位置逐一更换,查看漏点。另外还要查看下是否是气瓶气压不足导致的。或者气体流路哪里有断裂,弯折露点等。

leak leakage区别



1、leak: 动词:使渗漏,泄露;漏,渗;名词:泄漏出去;透露



1、leak:Mr. Ashton accused police of leaking information to the press.艾什顿先生指控警察向媒体泄露了消息。

2、leakage:All gauge pressure indications should be equal, with no more than 25% leakage. 如果泄漏不超过25%,所有的量表压力读数都应该是相等的。


1、leak:resource leak资源流失 ;gas leak气体泄漏 ;leak out走漏风声

2、leakage:leakage flux漏通量 ;leakage loss漏泄损耗;Leakage Risk渗漏险



v. 渗入,漏出;漏,渗漏;泄露,透露

n. 漏洞,裂缝;泄漏出的液体(或气体);泄密;《俚》撒尿

【名】 (Leak)(美、印尼、新等)利克(人名)


leak tester 漏泄测试器 ; 探漏器 ; 检漏机 ; 检漏器

leak detection [真空] 检漏 ; 泄漏检测 ; [真空] [制冷] 渗漏检测 ; 泄漏探测

leak rate 漏失率


词根: leak


leaky 漏的;有漏洞的


leakage 泄漏;渗漏物;漏出量

leaker 水压试验时出汗;有漏元件;渗水铸件

leakiness 泄漏;易泄漏秘密


是可数名词 泄露 3.(秘密等的)泄漏[C] The leak of information was officially inspired. 这一情报的泄漏是官方授意的.

bipap呼吸机 leak多少

您好,很高兴回答您的问题! leak指漏气量。最好是0,但是面罩佩戴偶尔有些漏气属正常显现,因为面罩与皮肤接触难免有缝隙。 正常情况下,机器都是有漏气补偿功能的,各个品牌可能不一样。但是这个指数有几升每分钟应该都没有问题。建议还是选择好的面罩保障不漏气,保证舒适度和效果。希望对您有帮助!


leak及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.漏 The ship was leaking badly.那艘船漏得很厉害。The car leaks oil.这辆车漏油。2.渗入;漏出 及物动词 vt.1.使泄露 He leaked the news of the ambassador’s visit.他把大使来访的消息泄露出去了。名词 n.1.漏洞, 裂缝 There is a leak in the roof.房顶上有个漏洞。2.泄漏, 漏出物3.走漏, 泄露 There has been a leak of information.走漏了风声。4.泄漏出的液体(或气体) 5.撒尿leakvi. 漏出;透露;(指消息,秘密等)泄密;漏电,漏水 vt. 使泄露;《非正式》 擅自公开 n. 泄漏,漏洞;裂缝;漏出物;(俚语)撒尿 泄漏; 漏; 漏洞; 渗漏 1. V-ERG 及物/不及物动词漏;渗漏;泄漏 If a container leaks, there is a hole or crack in it which lets a substance such as liquid or gas escape. You can also say that a container leaks a substance such as liquid or gas. The roof leaked... 屋顶漏雨。The gas had apparently leaked from a cylinder... 气体似乎由一汽缸漏出。The pool’s fiberglass sides had cracked and the water had leaked out... 泳池四周的玻璃钢面开裂,水渗了出来。A large diesel tank mysteriously leaked its contents into the river. 一个大型柴油罐的柴油莫名其妙地泄漏到河里去了。Leak is also a noun. It’s thought a gas leak may have caused the blast. 据认为爆炸可能由气体泄漏引起。2. N-COUNT 可数名词裂缝;漏隙;漏洞 A leak is a crack, hole, or other gap that a substance such as a liquid or gas can pass through. a leak in the radiator... 暖气片上的一条裂缝In May engineers found a leak in a hydrogen fuel line. 5月份工程师们在一条氢燃料管线上发现一条裂隙。3. V-ERG 及物/不及物动词走漏;泄露;透露 If a secret document or piece of information leaks or is leaked, someone lets the public know about it. Last year, a civil servant was imprisoned for leaking a document to the press... 去年,一名公务员因向报界泄露了一份文件而被判入狱。He revealed who leaked a confidential police report... 他说出了泄露警方机密报告内容的人。We don’t know how the transcript leaked. 我们不知道文字本是怎么泄露出去的。...a leaked report. 走漏了风声的报告Leak is also a noun. More serious leaks, possibly involving national security, are likely to be investigated by the police. 可能涉及国家安全的更严重泄密多半会交由警方调查。Leak out means the same as leak .leak out同leak More details are now beginning to leak out... 更多的细节正透露出来。He said it would leak out to the newspapers and cause a scandal. 他说这件事会泄露给报界,引起丑闻。leak, drip这两个动词含“滴,漏”之意。leak: 侧重液体或气体等从容器漏出,或泄漏了消息。drip: 侧重以点滴形式下落,也指漏出或溢出。A whole tankful of gasolene dropped away because of the tiny leak. 由于这个小小的漏洞,整整一油箱的汽油都漏光了。 2. The seams of the boat must be filled in if they leak. 如果船板接缝漏水就一定要填补好。 3. Water poured in through a leak in the ship’s hull. 水从船体上的漏洞中涌进来。 4. To let the roof leak would be bad husbandry. 屋漏不修,不是个好管家(的办法)。 5. There has been a leak of information. 走漏了风声。 6. There is a leak in the roof. 房顶上有个漏洞。 7. A small leak will sink a great ship. 小漏洞能使大船沉没。 8. The camera has a light leak. 这个照相机漏光。 9. The dismantling of a nuclear reprocessing plant caused a leak of radioactivity yesterday.昨天拆除核后处理工厂引起了放射物泄漏。 10. Crews are working to plug a major oil leak. 船员正在封堵一个漏油的大洞。 11. The kitchen roof is apt to leak when it rains. 厨房的屋顶下雨时容易漏雨。 12. “Don’t worry, there’s no leak, nobody else knows. “你放心,没有漏洞,没有外人知道。 13. Air should leak into an atomic reactor and then leak out again. 空气渗进了原子反应堆,然后又渗出来。 14. The rain dripped down from a leak in the roof. 雨水从屋顶的裂缝中滴漏下来。 15. I smell gas ; there must be a leak somewhere. 我闻到了煤气味,一定是什么地方漏气了。 16. Have you really hard evidence that your people suspect a leak? 你是否有确凿的证据证明你们的人怀疑有人泄了密? 17. You must shut the gas supply off if there’s a leak. 煤气泄漏时,必须把截门关上。 18. The vessel of peace was springing a leak from every beam. 这艘和平的大船已处处出现漏洞了。 19. First I guess I better look at that leak. 我想我先应该看看漏水的地方。 20. We stopped the leak in the gas pipe by means of lead. 我们用铅堵塞了煤气管上的漏洞。


leak [英] [li:k]vt. & vi. 1. 漏2. 渗入;漏出 vt. 1. 使泄露n. 1. 漏洞, 裂缝2. 泄漏, 漏出物3. 走漏, 泄露4. 泄漏出的液体(或气体) 5. 撒尿

