
I know that its late
And maybe I shouldnt be so into you
Its just that tonight
I amlso taken Ive fallen for you
When I look in your eyes I can see
A million possibilities
And I know youll be leaving me soon
But tonight
Come a little bit closer
Let me hold you baby
I will be good to you
And we can try
To forget tomorrow
And make it last forever tonight
So if you must go
Know that Ill be missing you
Wishing you closer
So lets make the most of these
Moments together well never forget
And its breaking
My heart cause I know
That tomorrow youll be miles away
And I catch myself
Wanting so much more
Come a little bit closer
Come a little bit closer
Let me hold you baby
I will be good to you
And we can try
To forget tomorrow
And make it last forever tonight
So if youre leaving me now
Baby I dont know how
I will ever get over you
Because you opened my eyes
To this love thats inside
Oh baby baby dont
Ever leave me
Come a little bit closer
Let me hold you baby
I will be good to you
And we can try
To forget tomorrow
And make it last forever tonight
Come a little bit closer
Let me hold you baby
I will be good to you
And we can try
To forget tomorrow
And make it last forever tonight
Come a little bit closer
Let me hold you baby
I will be good to you
And we can try
To forget tomorrow
And make it last forever tonight
Come a little bit closer
Let me hold you baby
I will be good to you
And we can try
To forget tomorrow
And make it last forever tonight
2、布兰迪·诺伍德(Brandy Norwood),全名布兰迪·蕾安娜·诺伍德(Brandy Rayana Norwood),1979年2月11日出生于美国密西西比州派克县麦库姆市,美国女歌手、词曲作者、演员。
- 1bat的大数据(BAT的大数据来源)
- 2三星s8屏幕上端2(三星s8屏幕上端2个按键)
- 3三星屏幕坏了如何导出(三星屏幕摔坏了如何导出数据么)
- 4红米3x怎么关闭自动更新(红米k40s怎么关闭自动更新)
- 5微信上防止app自动下载软件怎么办(微信上防止app自动下载软件怎么办啊)
- 6押镖多少钱(押镖一个月有多少储备金)
- 7瑞星个人防火墙胡功能(瑞星个人防火墙协议类型有哪些)
- 8cf现在等级是多少(cf等级2020最新)
- 9老滑头多少条鱼(钓鱼老滑头有什么用)
- 10WPS自动调整语法(wps如何修改语法)
- 11dell控制面板防火墙(dell的防火墙怎么关闭)
- 12丑女技能升多少(丑女技能需要满级吗)
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- 14戴尔屏幕(戴尔屏幕闪烁)
- 15y85屏幕信息(vivoy85息屏显示时间怎么设置)
- 16魅蓝note3屏幕出现方格(魅蓝note屏幕竖条纹)
- 17v8手指按屏幕(触屏手指)
- 18金为液晶广告机(液晶广告机lb420)
- 19三星显示器怎么校色(三星显示器 调色)
- 20hkc显示器dvi音频(hkc显示器有音响么)
- 21康佳液晶智能电视机(康佳液晶智能电视机怎么样)
- 22做液晶画板电脑(做液晶画板电脑怎么操作)
- 23液晶屏极化现象原理(液晶屏极化现象原理是什么)
- 24企业网络安全防火墙(企业网络防护)
- 256splus黑屏屏幕不亮(苹果6s plus屏幕突然黑屏)
- 26充电导致屏幕失灵(充电导致屏幕失灵怎么办)
- 27超极本屏幕旋转(笔记本电脑屏幕旋转,怎么转过来?)
- 28igmp防火墙(防火墙配置ipv6)
- 29荣耀王者多少经验(王者荣耀经验多少一级)
- 30lol老将还剩多少(qg老将)