- 英语语法解释
- 翻译下列句子,用到给定词语,请高手帮
- admittedly是什么意思
- “羡慕”和“嫉妒” 用英语怎么说
- admitted 用法
- 不幸的是,他在火车站担心的等待了2小时用英语怎么说
she is admittedly reliable.为啥这句话中admittedly是修饰整句花而不是reliable的句子意思:她确实是很可靠的,ADMITTEDLY 修饰RELIABLE, 副词修饰形容词,说明主语的特点和特征 admittedly 副词 adv.1.诚然;确实地, 无可否认地 He is admittedly an atheist.他被公认是位无神论者。He is looking to improve on his admittedly modest achievements so far.迄今为止,他的成就的确不算大,他打算更进一步。 admit及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.许可进入 This ticket admits two persons.这张票可让两人进场。2.承认, 供认 She admitted having done wrong.她承认自己做错了。及物动词 vt.1.确认;(认为有效、合法或真实而)接受2.给…进入的权利(或资格)3.允许,让…得到,让…享有 He was admitted into their fullest confidence.他获得了他们的充分信任。 4.准许…享有特权(或行使职权等)5.给…留有余地,有…的可能;容许(of)6.能容纳,装得下不及物动词 vi.1.(门)开向,通往(一地)(to) The gate admits to the yard.这道门通向院子。2. 容许,容许有,容得;留有余地,给予机会(of) The regulations admit of no exception.规章不容破例。
1. 他交通事故腿受伤后不久,家里经历了十分困难的阶段,是红十字会的捐款确保了他们最基本的生活需要。1. His leg injury accidents, shortly after the very difficult experience home stage, was the Red Cross’s donation to ensure that their most basic life need.2. 与很多其他人不同,追求物质的满足对我来说只不过是转瞬即逝的念头。2. And many others different, the pursuit of material to meet me is just a fleeting thought.3. 不可否认,有些我们民族最看重的传统在逐渐消失。3. Admittedly, some of the most important to our national traditional in gradually disappear.4. 你有证据证明由七名教授组成的学术委员会一致表决通过了她填写的申请吗?4. You have evidence of the seven professor academic committee voted through her fill out the consistent application?5. 有人当着肖恩的面评论了他和家人关系直剧下滑,肖恩觉得受到了奇耻大辱。5. Someone in the face of Sean he and his family relations on the straight play down, Sean think was the great shame.6. 得知约翰用字典和同学换了电脑游戏软件,他的父亲训斥道:“你这是怎么了?你应该懂得不能为了自己的娱乐而忽视了学习。”6. Learn that John used in the dictionary and students in computer games software, his father scold a way: “you how was this? You should know not to own entertainment and ignore the study.“
admittedly[英][ədˈmɪtɪdli][美][ædˈmɪtɪdli]adv.公认地; 双语例句 1It’s only a theory, admittedly, but the pieces fit together.诚然,这只是一种理论,但各部分互相吻合。 2Despite early signs of success, there are, admittedly, real challenges to implementing open source principles to for-profit manufacturing.尽管开源思想在上述领域已经初步显示了成功迹象,但必须承认,在盈利性制造业应用开源原则还面临着真正的挑战。
“羡慕”和“嫉妒” 用英语怎么说
羡慕的英文:envy。嫉妒的英文:envy。(1)名词意思:羡慕;忌妒例句:He couldn’t conceal his envy of me.译文:他掩饰不住对我的忌妒。(2)及物动词意思:羡慕;忌妒;庆幸不必做别人非做不可的事。例句:She has always envied my success.译文:她一直忌妒我的成功。envy的发音:英 [ˈenvi] 美 [ˈenvi] 扩展资料:envy的近义词:1、admire意思:钦佩;赞赏;仰慕;欣赏。例句:I really admire your enthusiasm.译文:我确实钦佩你的热情。2、jealousy意思:忌妒;妒羡;羡慕。例句:I felt sick with jealousy.译文:我羡慕得要死。
admitted 用法
admitted: [ əd’mitid ] a. 被承认了的,公认的例句与用法: 1. Admittedly, I’ve never actually been there. 说实在的, 我从未去过那 . 2. Admittedly, he didn’t know that at the time. 无可否认, 他当时并不知道. 3. The number admitted must not exceed 200. 容纳的数目不得超过200. 4. Mr Smith had been admitted to the bar at the age of30 and turned politician. 史密斯先生30岁时获准执行律师事务,后转而从政。 5. He was admitted to the hospital suffering from burns. 他由于烧伤,被送入医院治疗。 6. He was admitted to the Party last year. 他去年入党了。 7. Candidates who fail to meet these requirements will not be admitted to the University. 不符合这些要求的考生不能上这所大学。 8. Children under 12 will not be admitted. 十二岁以下的儿童不得入内。 英英解释: 动词admit:1. declare to be true or admit the existence or reality or truth of同义词:admit, acknowledge2. allow to enter; grant entry to同义词:admit, allow in, let in, intromit3. allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities of同义词:admit, let in, include4. admit into a group or community同义词:accept, admit, take, take on5. afford possibility同义词:admit, allow6. give access or entrance to同义词:admit7. have room for; hold without crowding同义词:accommodate, hold, admit8. serve as a means of entrance同义词:admit
Unfortunately,he waited for two hours worried at the railway station.Unfortunately 副词修饰整个句子。wait for ... 等待 worried修饰主语at the railway station 作地点状语
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